She walked into the room after that heated argument with her eyes fixed downwards on the tiles. She struggled with her facial expressions in order not to look frail. Her face were tightened up like a warrior and her stomach lurched. Her lungs gave little or no room for air to pass. Her head was hot and her feet tingled. The air in the room became musty and unbearable yet she poised herself like the queen of England gently to her seat. She wasn't going to break the bricks and layers of pride she had built, she definitely wasn't going to let tears melt down the cement she smeared all over her tower of pride. From her side eye, she could see him pressing his phone, oblivious and graceful. Full of peace and calmness. He was oblivious to her tower and while she burning red hot inside, he giggled at the pictures in front of him.
Be the charm in your world