It must hurt deeply to lose a loved one. There wasn't really enough emotion on Abena's face to convey this. She has been sitting on the wooden bench under the coconut tree for hours, dazed. She probably didn't understand how a child who was playing with sand in the morning could be dead now.
Kofi was playing with sand and water near his mother's little garden. He would wet sand with water from his mother's garden pipe and th
en mold little houses. He was happy, whole and full of life. Abena was starring at him from her kitchen window, reminiscing about his birth. She didn't know she was in labour and also didn't think Childbirth was as painful as people described it. Hers was fast, she didn't have enough time to think about the pain or dwell in the pain. In minutes, her son came through and the midwife literally had to catch him. Now she's starring at him, all grown. She was smiling at him as he played with sand until the look of Peace on his face transformed into fear, confusion and pain. Abena reciprocated with fear as he screamed loudly.
All she can hold on to now are his last words and the look of great fear. She felt so helpless and this made her really mad. She had hoped that his entire life would be as smooth as his birth but it was too smooth that he slipped off the cliff of life and into death.
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